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What is a ChatBot?

A chatbot is an application that can imitate a real conversation with a user in their natural language. Chatbots enable communication via text or audio on websites, messaging applications, mobile apps, or telephone.

Applications of Chatbots

Appointment Scheduling or Booking Chatbots

Appointment scheduling or booking chatbots are commonly used in industries such as healthcare, airlines, and hotels. These bots assist customers in reserving appointments or booking slots with the respective enterprises.
Customer support chatbots
A customer service chatbot utilizes AI and machine learning to respond to basic customer inquiries through a business messaging platform.
Marketing and sales chatbots
A chatbot can engage your audience and learn from their interactions, enabling it to provide relevant information about your brand, products, and services.
Entertainment Chatbots
Utilize AI-powered chatbots to engage with your audience in a personalized manner.
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